In December 2014, EPD introduced GEOS, the Georgia EPD Online System, a web-based portal for Georgia’s regulated community to submit permit applications, reports, and fee payments. New submittals will be added over time. Currently the following programs are included in the online system:
- Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
- NPDES Wastewater (Municipal and Industrial)
- Underground Injection Control
- Hazardous Substance Reporting Fees
- Scrap Tire Generators, Processors, & Sorters
- Underground Storage Tank Program
- Hazardous Waste Management Fees
- Scrap Tire Quarterly Reports
- Solid Waste Management Program
- Voluntary Remediation Program
Schedule for Required GEOS Submittals
- Asbestos Project Notification for Abatement, Blanket, Completion, Courtesy, and Demolition
- Asbestos Contractor License Initial and Renewal, Name and Address Changes, and Agent Changes
- Lead Abatement Project Notice to Proceed and Completion
- LBP Firm and Discipline Certification
- LBP Renovation Firm and Renovator Certification
- Brownfield Applications
- VRP Applications
- All BF and VRP Reporting
Solid waste permit applications for:
- Tire Fee Reports
- Quarterly Reports (tire carriers, scrap tire sorters and processors)
- Annual Tank Registration (ATR)
- Environmental Assurance Fees (EAF)
- Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
- Industrial Pretreatment
- Land Treatment Systems
- Underground Injection Control
All other submittal types in GEOS are optional at this time; however, you are encouraged to use GEOS to take advantage of its many benefits that will help streamline the permitting and reporting processes, including:
- Improved program effectiveness and efficiency
- Reduced workload for managing data
- Reduced printing and mailing costs
- Ability of permittees to electronically track permit status
GEOS Training
Training Events
Training Documents
- GEOS Quick Guides
- GEOS Reference Guides
Training Videos
- Redacting Information
- Mapping Tool Video
- GEOS RO Account Creation
- GEOS Account Management
- GEOS Account Creation Using e-Verify
- Complete UST Annual Tank Registration Submittal Without Preparer
- Application Submission Video
- GEOS Solid Waste Permitting Unit Training Module, Forms SW01-SW09
- GEOS Environmental Monitoring Unit Training Module, Form SW10-SW11
- RO Existing Facility Association and New Facility Creation
- GEOS: Notice of Intent
- Track Submittals
- GEOS Preparer Account Creation
If you have any questions about GEOS, please contact us.