Plan Comparisons

With multiple plans to choose from, EA+ delivers indispensable services with enhanced convenience and protection for those who need it — for a low annual rate that’s hard to beat.

Based on your needs and your budget, an annual EA+ plan exists that’s right for you.

Membership Type Individual Family Individual Family Annual Membership Cost
Medical Evacuation Services
Emergency Medical Evacuation
Transportation Home
Transportation Home ticket class Transportation Home destination Location of Choice RV/Vehicle Return + additional vehicle Return of Remains Hotel Stay While Awaiting Transportation Home Bereavement Reunion
Assistance for Companions
Transportation Home for Companion(s) 1 Companion 3 Companions Ticket to Join Hospitalized Member Transportation Home for Children or Grandchildren Pet Care and Return Home Assistance Only Hotel Room for Companion While Member Hospitalized
Assistance Services
Medical Assistance Travel Assistance Membership Type Individual Family Individual Family Annual Membership Cost

Peace of Mind is Priceless

The low annual rates of Emergency Assistance Plus ensure everyone can travel with confidence.

Emergency Assistance Plus® (EA+®) is not insurance, it is a membership plan. This is only an outline of the plan’s features. Hospitalization (admitted as an inpatient) is a requirement to be eligible for some services. All services must be arranged and provided by EA+. Please read the EA+ Member Guide carefully to understand all the services available to you, as well as any rules and regulations. EA+ is only available to U.S. residents at this time and is not available to residents of New York. Washington state residents must be traveling more than 100 miles away from home to be eligible for EA+ services.