Kettering Town Centre Area Action Plan

The Kettering Town Centre Area Action Plan (KTCAAP) aims to regenerate Kettering Town Centre through a framework of 8 distinctive but complementary quarters and forms the basis for decisions about the use and development of land in the area. It remains part of the development plan for the area covered by the former Kettering Borough Council.

Kettering Town Centre Area Action Plan (July 2011)

Proposal Maps (July 2011)

Kettering Town Centre Delivery Plan

The Town Centre Delivery plan is designed as a high-level plan that sets out the priorities for investment in Kettering Town Centre going forward to 2025.

Kettering Town Centre Delivery Plan


A monitoring report has been prepared on an annual basis since the adoption of the Kettering Town Centre Area Action Plan in 2011. This report sets out how the policies in the KTCAAP have been implemented in the previous year and whether the targets and objectives have been achieved.

The latest annual monitoring report published in November 2023 is available on request from [email protected] .

A Health Check of Kettering Town Centre was completed in October 2013 as part of the monitoring of the Kettering Town Centre Area Action Plan.

Kettering Town Centre Health Check - October 2013

A Health Check Assessment of the Market Towns of Burton Latimer, Desborough and Rothwell was also prepared in March 2016 to support the Kettering Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan.

Market Town Centres Health Check - March 2016

Last updated 07 November 2023

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Area specific plans and policies