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We believe that you'll be extremely pleased with TakeAIM as it makes equipment management and maintenance extremely simple. TakeAIM is a paperless system which enables you to create bespoke inspection checklist, this ensures all your assets are Good to Go. You can set mail alerts to help remind your inspectors to carry out inspections then analyse the findings of completed inspections, users and equipment types to ensure you're getting the best out of all your assets. Document faults with photographs and annotations and update data instantly.


Monitor all your workplace equipment using TakeAIM and spot re-occurring issues to help resolve them before they happen in the future. Take AIM is in line with PUWER and Health & Safety policies and is the perfect solution whether you require daily, weekly, monthly or ad-hoc checks to be carried out.

Why the name, TakeAIM?
AIM is an acronym for Audits, Inspections and Maintenance, plus you can Take it anywhere with you on your mobile phone.

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