Business Checklist

Hurricane preparedness does not end at home. An often over-looked segment of hurricane safety is the workplace. Whether or not you are an employee or an employer, it is essential to take proactive steps in preparing for unpredictable storms and other disasters.

By taking the initiative to start planning early, you can create a plan that will have you fully prepared in the event of a disaster. While securing plans for your home and loved ones, take some time to focus on the future of your business or work place. Forty percent of small businesses that close due to hurricane damage do not reopen. In order to prevent your business from being another statistic, it is critical to prepare now.

To help, a Business Survival Plan has been compiled to serve as a comprehensive guide to safeguard your business. This Survival Plan provides steps to improve employee safety and protect property as well as important company information. It serves as an important tool to enforce your business’ emergency plan in the event of any disaster. Keep this plan handy by printing it out and ensure you have covered all the relevant steps before the Hurricane Season begins.

Using these three key steps as guidelines will ensure you are prepared for any damages following any disaster. Furthermore, you should decide on a back-up location where your business could run smoothly if damages occur on the original site and discuss this with all employees. If your business is damaged remember to assess, document, and report them to your insurance company as soon as possible.

Step 1: Protect property

Step 2: Protect important documents and information

Step 3: Keep A Preparedness Checklist

The below items should be gathered in one location at your place of business should a storm hit while you are on premises. This will help protect the safety of your employees should disaster strike during regular working hours and without ample notice.