Frequently Asked Questions

Pursuant to the merger of the Colleges of Engineering and Technology, information on this section of the website pertaining to Assessment and Accreditation is currently under review. As of now, the information in this section remains accurate and may be applied to the current Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering. For questions or inquiries, contact dean [at] (dean[at]egr[dot]uh[dot]edu) .

What are the steps for students to complete their online course evaluations?

The Course Evaluation Instructions for Students explains how to complete a course evaluation. Please feel free to share this with your students.

Where can I find online evaluation information and dates?

General information about course evaluations and dates can be found at

As an instructor, how can I obtain my course evaluation reports?

Your response reports detailing all course evaluation results dating back to the spring 2011 semester are available online through the University of Houston's Faculty/Course Evaluation module. You will need to log in with your CougarNet username and password to access these reports.

How do I contact the Measurement Evaluation Center (MEC)?

Here is the contact information for the MEC:

Office: 713-743-5440
Fax: 713-743-5383
Email: mec [at] (mec[at]uh[dot]edu)

As an instructor, when can I review the evaluation results for my course?

The Measurement and Evaluation Center (MEC) normally takes 1-3 weeks after the course evaluation period has ended to post the course evaluation results. You can continually check to see if your results are available.

Who can see my results?

Student Access
In compliance with Texas HB 2504, students are able to view quantitative reports online (without comments) in the University of Houston's Faculty/Course Evaluation module, via login through AccessUH. However, there are some restrictions as to what students can see. Only students enrolled in particular courses from certain colleges can see reports from those colleges. For example, an Architecture student enrolled in Architecture, CLASS and Technology courses will be able to see all faculty reports from Architecture, CLASS and Technology.

Administrative Access
The Director of Assessment and Accreditation and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs are able to view all results for the Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering. Course Points of Contact, Program Coordinators, and Department Chairs may request to view evaluations related to the courses and/or programs for which they are responsible. Instructors may ONLY see their OWN quantitative and qualitative results.

When are the evaluation periods?

The Measurement and Evaluation Center schedule can be found at

What questions are asked on the course evaluations?

View the CCE Technology Division Sample Course Evaluation to see sample questions asked on the course evaluations. Please note that the "Distance Education" section only pertains to distance education courses.

I still have questions. How can I get help?

Contact Peter Weber, Director of Assessment and Accreditation, at pweber [at] (pweber[at]uh[dot]edu) or 713-743-4316.


Mail: University of Houston
Cullen College of Engineering
Engineering Building 2, Room E421
4222 Martin Luther King Boulevard
Houston, TX 77204-4007