How to Write a USA Address: 3 Examples For Different Occasions

by Petr Novák, ? The accuracy of the information provided in this article was last verified on this date. If you spot any errors, please let us know in the comments. Thank you. :-) Updated 05/30/2023 Instructions, Tips & Tricks

Do you need to send a package, a postcard, or perhaps a letter to the USA and are unsure about how to write the address? Are you uncertain about where to place the street address or the state on the letter? Review the following examples to understand how to write the correct address on a letter to America.

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  1. How to Write a Mailing Address on a Personal Letter to the USA
  2. How to Write a Mailing Address on a Business Letter to the USA
  3. How to Write an Address for a Letter to a USA Mailbox

How to Write a Mailing Address on a Personal Letter to the USA

On the first line, write the recipient’s full name along with the salutation. Write the street address with the house number immediately below it. Remember that in an American address, the house number comes first, followed by the street name. On the next line, write the municipality and below it (or next to it) the state abbreviation and ZIP code. The final line must include the country designation.

Always include the complete address, including the suite number or the “East” and “West” directional signs. Without these details, the shipment may not be successfully delivered.

MR. JOHN DOE Title + First Name + Last Name
143 PALM STREET House Number + Street Name
HERMOSA BEACH CA 90254 City Name + State Code + ZIP Code

How to Write a Mailing Address on a Business Letter to the USA

The address format is the same as for a personal letter, except that the company name is written on the second line after the recipient’s name.

MR. JOHN DOE Title + First Name + Last Name
CBS COMPANY Company Name
143 PALM STREET House Number + Street Name
HERMOSA BEACH CA 90254 City Name + State Code + ZIP Code

How to Write an Address for a Letter to a USA Mailbox

Once again, the address format is very similar to that of a personal letter. Only the address line is replaced by the mailbox identification.

MR. JOHN DOE Title + First Name + Last Name
PO BOX 323 Mailbox Number
HERMOSA BEACH CA 90254 City Name + State Code + ZIP Code